
Chronic sinusitis is defined as sinusitis lasting more than 3 months, accompanied with examination or imaging findings supporting this diagnosis. 

The signs of chronic sinusitis are nasal obstruction, postasal or nasal discharge, fullness around the nose, and reduced sense of smell.

How does it get chronic?

Air must reach sinuses from the nose, through narrow ducts or openings. Secretions produced within the sinuses must also drain into the nose through these openings. Chronic sinusitis occurs as a result of prolonged occlusion of sinus openings, due to frequently recurring or untreated colds.

Chronic sinusitis with polyps is a distinct type of chronic sinusitis, where the cause may be uncertain. Infections and allergy may have some role in the formation of polyps.

How is chronic sinusitis diagnosed?

Chronic sinusitis can be diagnosed following a specialist’s endoscopic examination and imaging studies. CT scan is the most useful imaging study for sinuses and it provides information about which sinuses are affected, what type of surgery will be necessary, and what are the risks of surgery.

How is chronic sinusitis treated?

Patients who do not benefit from medications commonly require surgical treatment. The majority of sinus operations are performed endoscopically through the nostrils, without a visible external incision. For more information please refer to: Endoscopic sinus surgery