
If you are snoring heavily, experiencing morning fatigue and daytime sleepiness you may have sleep apnea. “Apnea” comes from the Word “apnos” in Greek, which means “without breathing”. Sleep apnea is much more frequent in men and worsens by aging. The frequency of sleep apnea also increases in postmenopausal women. There are two types of […]

Nasal septum is the wall between two sides of the nasal cavity. The septum is made up of cartilage and bone. Ideally, the septum should be in the midline. However, 80% of people do not have a perfectly straight septum and most of them do not require correction. When the septum is not in the midline, […]

kronik otitis media

The eardrum separates the middle ear from the ear canal. It is a thin structure that vibrates with sound waves. Behind the eardrum is the middle ear, which is an air filled cavity. Perforation of te eardrum is commonly due to infections or injuries. Injury may be caused by: Trauma to the ear that increases pressure in the ear […]

Otitis media is infection of the middle ear, behind the eardrum. Germs that cause the infection reach the middle ear through the eustachian tube. In children, eustachian tube is shorter than in adults and it is easier for the germs to reach the middle ear. Therefore, otitis media is more common in children. Infection in the middle ear causes accumulation […]

Vertigo is an illusion of movement when there is no actual movement. It may occur due to several disorders of the balance system. Vertigo may vary in type and intensity; common presentations are dizziness, light headedness, sensations of spinning, falling, or rocking, Vertigo may be accompanied with nausea, vomiting, sweating, paleness, headache, blurred vision, hearing loss, tinnitus, […]

Chronic sinusitis is defined as sinusitis lasting more than 3 months, accompanied with examination or imaging findings supporting this diagnosis.  The signs of chronic sinusitis are nasal obstruction, postasal or nasal discharge, fullness around the nose, and reduced sense of smell. How does it get chronic? Air must reach sinuses from the nose, through narrow […]

What is an adenoid? Adenoid is a tissue which is found between the nose and throat. It produces antibodies that help us fighting against bacteria and viruses. If your child has an enlarged or frequently infected adenoid, your doctor may recommend it’s surgical removal. 

Strep throat is an infection of the throat and tonsils. A bacteria called “group A beta haemolytic streptococcus” cause it. The infection spreads from someone who is sick with strep A bacteria or is a carrier of it. Like other infections, it spreads through close contact. When people who are sick cough or sneeze, they release droplets into the air that hold the bacteria, […]

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